Tech questions? Need help with a device? Keep your computer running like new!
Established in 2009, "Fix My Computer On Site" offers excellent Computer Services at your comfort. We are a family-owned and operated, servicing on site and remote computer repairs out of Tampa, Florida. Fix My Computer On Site promises to assist you in all of your technological needs and we will service anyone "on site" within a thirty mile radius of our office. All of our tech support services are all one hour minimum, and any on site service has a travel fee that covers the diagnostics as well.
Fix My Computer On Site is also partnered with major brands and manufactures that train and test our skills and knowledge every year which lets us be up-to-date with all of the technological advances. Our goal as a company is to satisfy your needs at your location and availability.
After 15 years in Corporate America, Ivonne’s position was to put contracts in place during the design phase of roadway projects for the D.O.T.. During her corporate journey, Ivonne felt inspired to have a business of her own, and with her corporate skills, mixed with her husband’s talent for I.T work, both Ivonne and Carlos gave way to Fix My Computer On Site.
Carlos began his own company in Miami, Florida in May of 2000, his specialty consisted of custom built servers and computers. In March of 2004, Carlos moved to Tampa and became well versed in hardware upgrades, trouble shooting networks, virus removals, printer repairs, as well as home theater installation. With his passion of everything “tech”, Carlos and Ivonne created Fix My Computer On Site.